Coho Ho Ho Rally 2015

Weather with Brad Baker

David Birch

   David Birch, from Starpath does a wonderful talk on charts and navigation. There are quite a lot of differences between the paper charts and guidebooks, and the electronic raster charts and the NOAA ENCs. How the different tools are used, can make quite a difference in your trip. David can't help including gribs, polars and barometers. He's written the course work for Starpath for it all, and is always delightful. Captain's Nautical Supplies opened up their store, showing us their charts, tools, guides and books, a real treasure trove of nautical info and goodies. We are fortunate they are local and so generous, like Starpath, they are a marine resource to support. Thanks all!

(Click on a image below for a larger image "slide show" - arrow keys work well.)

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