Kathleen & I took the bus down to Westlake Center, for the 2018 Womens March. A little smaller group than last year, it was quite a crowd, lots of smiles and an amazing diversity of signs. Clearly a lot more people were disturbed by Trumps language and behavior, and their signs reflected their dismay and disgust. Lots of support for "I'm with her" and a determination to get out the vote, and get more women in congress. While there may have been fewer smiles than last year, there were more signs and serious issues. The messages were worth noting, the signs personal, entertaining and the engaged crowd just kept coming. . . It may take a few minutes to look through all these pics, but that's nothing compared to the hours and actions of these involved caring people. Thanks all! (Click on a image below for a larger image "slide show" - arrow keys work well.)