Travis asked me to go out with him and sort out the reefing process on s/v Moments, the S2 11.0A he just bought. We went to the fuel dock, to fill up first, and out in a building breeze. Skipper his big poodle had to stay below. Using half the genoa we sailed over into Port Madison Bay, looking for a little more relief from the wind. Both reef lines were tied together, pulled through the boom, and stored. I sorted out the lines, ran them through the clues, and tied them off with a timber hitch, around the boom. We learned we needed to use the second reef, pulled through the cam cleat and tensioned with the winch mounted upside down on the boom. A winch handle pocket at the mast would be helpful. The sail back was loud and fun, a good experience. The dodger snaps had failed so the dodger corners fluttered, and some lines rattled and banged and we had a little spray over the boat. Travis now knows the boat can take a lot more weather than he's used too. As we came into the breakwater, an eagle was trying to balance on the sign, with his feathers blowing up like a collar. A little wild and windy, but a good day!
(Click on a image below for a larger image "slide show" - arrow keys work well.)