Anacortes, WA
What a wet and wild day for the Bavaria 33 survey! We had quite a job getting the Bavaria 33 out of the slip. There was so much growth on the prop we barely made it out of the slip, then realized we couldn’t make it from the Anacortes Marina to Cape Sante Marine for the haul-out! It was a scary minute or so before we spotted an open slip on A-dock and just made it. Rick came over in an aluminum sport/workboat, side-tied and towed us to the travel lift. The prop had the most big hard barnacles I’ve ever seen on a prop! No wonder the boat didn't want to move. Cleaned up, the Bavaria handled like expected - yea! We did a short wet sail, and headed back to the slip so Matt could finish his survey. Thank you all!
Please enjoy these shared snapshots - these pics are good therapy for me.
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