Bremerton to Anacortes
Good clients Heather and Scott needed to sell their Ericson 38-200 in Bremerton, and move to Eastern Washington to help with family support. While I did show the boat a couple times, I needed to get it up to West Yachts in Anacortes, before the Spring boatshow. I wrangled Sarah and Dave from my Shilshole dock and the cruising club, for the delivery trip. Kathleen dropped us close to the Bremerton ferry, and we just managed to get a fob before the marina office closed and on board. We stowed our gear and found a fine Indian Restaurant, The Curry on Washington Ave near the marina. We will be back! Leaving early, we were motor-sailing under the Agate Pass bridge by 9am, and soon could see Mt. Ranier and Baker, always a good day! Off Point No Point around noon, through the Port Townsend Canal, we sailed a bit North of Hadlock. We stopped for fuel at Sea Haven, the big West Port Townsend Marina, and snagged a cancelation slip in the small Point Hudson Marina, sweet. Dinner at Sirens, and a late-light walk back to the boat finished the day. You just can't go to Port Townsend without seeing interesting boats. After a few more "pretty-boat" pics, we left early, running close to Point Wilson, then across to the Whidby Island side, motor-sailing in the usual chop. What was that tin-can boat, a Smith Island ferry? By noon, we were close to Deception Pass, ducking into Bowman Bay where Dave and Sarah have kayaked. We headed North in Burrows Bay, towards Skyline Marina so they could see that entrance, and then out into Rosarios Strait. Around Washington Park and past the ferry terminal, we sailed into Guemes Channel, around the corner and soon were docked in Cap Sante Marina. The last four shots were after the boat was washed and ready for the boat-shot. What a fine little trip - Thank you Sarah and Dave!
Please enjoy these snapshots - these pics are therapy for me, and it's always a fun to be with out on another good boat. Thanks all!
(Click on any image below for a much larger image "slide show" - arrow keys work well.)
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